Our baby girl turned one this week and I can hardly believe it. How has it already been a year since I first held her in my arms? Time really does fly. And while the past few weeks have been tough on us all, Felipe and I really wanted to make Emma’s first birthday special.
We have been quarantined/staying home since March 16th- so it’s been awhile. And while juggling our jobs from home, caring for Emma full time, and managing our mounting anxiety over the virus has been hard on Felipe and I, it has also been hard on Emma. You might think it doesn’t effect her because she is a baby and doesn’t really know whats going on, but it does! She misses seeing her grandparents and extended family. She misses being pushed around the mall in her stroller. We used to take her everywhere with us and we typically spent our weekends out and about. She misses her old routine. She is cooped up inside just like the rest of us and it’s hard.
While we had to cancel her birthday party, we did still want to celebrate with her at home. Your child’s first birthday is a big deal, and I didn’t want her to miss out on the celebration we had begun to plan months ago.
So we turned a tiny corner of our apartment into Emma’s “frutitas” party. I baked her a cake that we let her smash and she ate way too much frosting.
After spending some time at home, taking a few photos, and eating cake, we went on a drive to pick up some takeout. It was a nice way to “get out” and end the day. This isn’t exactly how I envisioned Emma’s first birthday, but we are grateful for our family’s health and safety, and the fact that we were able to spend the day together at home!
Until next time,